Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

As always, I'm way behind on my photos... I do better on Picasa, I promise. Head on over there sometime. :)

I'm posting these pictures on Halloween night. That would be Day 3 of our 4 Day Candy Campaign! We had trunk or treat at our church on Wednesday, trick or treating Thursday (Vandalia's "Beggar's Night" was on the 30th...?), another church's festival tonight, and our school's Fall Festival is tomorrow! (For those of you now wondering, we do still homeschool... our "school" that I'm referring to is a Friday program that is just awesome, and I'll have to post about it later.) Anyway, we're up to our ears in candy. :)

We had a couple of costume changes from night to night, but here we have Tori as Dawn (a Pokemon trainer), Emmi as a pirate, Abbi as an Egyptian princess, Kezzi as a bride (or wedding girl, as they're called in our family), and Evi as a cheetah.

Aw... sweet sisters!

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I'm sure that most Egyptian princesses sport Cheeto mouth...

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The inflatable chicken costume is always the most talked about out on the streets!

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy Birthday Poppa!

Happy April Fool's Day, and a very Happy Birthday to Poppa Cougle!! We love you!!

(I made several posts late last night, so scroll down if you didn't see them yet!)
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Easter, Birthday & our church

Well, our plans for a well posed Easter picture in the front of the sanctuary didn't exactly turn out. :) Oh, well... they're still cute!

I have just posted pictures of our church here in Vandalia, more Easter morning pictures of the older girls, and pictures from Abbi's birthday, so make sure you scroll down through all of them.

Ooops!! I just realized that I never posted any birthday pictures of Emmi back in February! Sorry! Here's one of Emmi and Braden celebrating their 9th & 8th birthdays together. We will miss having Braden to celebrate with next February! (I'll put additional birthday pix from Emmi and Abbi & some misc. on my Picasaweb page.)

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Vandalia Nazarene Church

Here's a few pictures of our church.

The girls especially love the playground. :)
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Easter Dresses... :)

Abbi was really proud of her bunny egg. :)
Kezzi looked really cute until she started pouting...

Again with the bunny egg... :)
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Happy 7th Birthday, Abbi!!

Abbi's birthday was March 19th. I thought I'd better get some pictures up before Kezzi's birthday, which is sneaking up on us!
She chose a triple chocolate cake for her birthday. YUM!

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Welcome to Ohio!

We've survived our first Ohio blizzard! We got about a foot of snow, and church services for tomorrow have been cancelled.

For those of you who don't yet know, we have just moved to Vandalia, Ohio, where Josh is the senior pastor at Vandalia Nazarene Church. We just moved last week, and tomorrow would have been Josh's second Sunday service. Things are going really well, and the church here has been great to us. We were sad to leave Choctaw, though. Our friends there are awesome! We'll miss them a lot.

The girls got to play out in the snow today. I didn't make it out in time to get a picture of Abbi, but here are pictures of the rest of them for you to enjoy. Be sure to play the video at the end!!

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I'm not sure if Evi liked her first taste of snow!

Video of Kezzi and Evi in the snow!