Friday, July 29, 2005

Another update.... Photos caught up through May!!

Hey, that was great! I thought that people had probably given up on me ever posting again. Not true! I didn't even get a chance to email anyone and tell them that I had pictures up. When we got back from the doctor's office, I already had tons of comments! Now that's instant gratification! It encouraged me to post some more!

Well, when I sat down to post again, I got confused about which pictures I should post first. It's always a bit confusing, since I try to post them in reverse order, so they show up in order on the page. But this time, since I had already posted some from the Neeley's house, I didn't know what order I even wanted them to show up in....

So, in somewhat random order, here are more pictures from the month of May... pictures of family and our trip to IL and MO. I didn't take many pictures in June, so maybe I'll get caught up to August before it starts (well, then again... I've only got a couple of days....).

I've posted so many photos in the last two days, if you didn't see my update yesterday (July 28th), you'll have to go to my July archives!

At the end of May, Emmi lost her first tooth. She was showing everyone at church how loose it was, and it was driving me nuts, because it was practically laying on her lower lip. I had planned to pull it that night, but she beat me to it! Posted by Picasa

Here's the whole mob in action!!! It's a good thing that the swingset at Grandmother's is big!!! The girls enjoyed Kevin and Levi all week, and everyone played together very well. Posted by Picasa

Here are the girls, Grandmother and Pop, Kevin, and a baby bunny that Kevin found hiding in the grass. Check out Kezzi's eyes... Those are Emmi eyes... :) Posted by Picasa

Since Kevin made it in the picture with the bunny, but Levi didn't, I thought I'd put this one in of him. We have a lot of pictures of the girls and their boy cousins in action! Some of my favorites are of Levi trying to get a picture of Emmi with his mom's camera phone. Posted by Picasa

Here I am with all my sisters. A rare occurance! We're standing in age order... I'm first, then Grace, Franki and Annie.  Posted by Picasa

Here's Tori, Produce Princess. Her harvest is straight from Grandmother's garden. Yummy! Posted by Picasa

Here we are with my Mom's mom. We just call her Grandma... or Great Grandma to the girls. I think that once upon a time, we called her Grandma Kathryn, but we dropped the Kathryn. Queequeg even got in on this picture. I think he likes Grandma! Posted by Picasa

I got to see both of my grandmothers on our trip. This is my Grandma Betty (my Dad's mom). I had this picture taken twice, thinking one would be better than the other. If you think Abbi and Emmi look strange here, you should see the other picture! Posted by Picasa

Our Kirkwood visit was made delicious by a trip to Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Education and doughnutty goodness in one stop! The girls (especially Tori) enjoyed watching the doughnuts be made. We ate plenty! The girls all got these hats. Fowler looked really cute in his, too, but I guess I didn't get a picture.... Posted by Picasa

Krispy Kreme Ab Posted by Picasa

We went to the St. Louis Zoo with Franki, Dewayne and Fowler. It was Fowler's first zoo trip. He was such a good boy. I love this photo of Franki and Fowler. Posted by Picasa

Here's the Neeley family photo from the zoo. (Fowler is under that hat!) Posted by Picasa

The older three girls are touching animal skulls and snake skins outside the reptile house at the zoo. Posted by Picasa

Kezzi saw the picture of the other girls at the zoo and said, "Where's me?" So here is Kezzi pointing out an elephant (you have to look for it). Posted by Picasa

Here's another photo I found of Tori and Fowler that I thought was good. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Finally!!! An UPDATE!!!!!

Well, I know I've been promising posts to all you fine people for a couple of months now. It's not for lack of pictures that I haven't posted. I have 216 just from May alone!!! (That's when we took our trip to MO and IL.) I just keep thinking I have to have a huge block of time to sit down and post. Then I realize that if I post everything at once, nobody will be able to look at it all at once, anyway.

So I decided that since I'm up early (Tori's going to the doctor this morning), I'd post just a couple of pictures, maybe just ones of the girls with the alligators. Well, I did that quickly, and thought, maybe I'll do a couple of Fowler (my sister Franki's baby born in February... we stayed with them one night in Kirkwood, MO on the way to Grandmother and Pop's). Well, as a result, there are 12 photos posted, and now I have only 30 minutes to dress myself and get the girls up and dressed to go to the doctor.

I have a ton more pictures I want to share, so check back again (those of you who haven't already given up on me!). I have pictures of the St. Louis Zoo with the Neeleys, fun and family in IL, visits from Nana and Papa, Uncle Jesse, the Wolheters (who had pictures of their visit on their blog way before me!), and Pop, and much more!

Love to you all... thanks for your patience! Holli

We finally meet Fowler Neeley! What a sweetie!!! And so cute! Posted by Picasa

Big girl Kezzi holding big boy Fowler! Posted by Picasa

Tori, ever the poser, with her cousin Fowler. Posted by Picasa

I think Abbi had me take 10 pictures of just her and Fowler! Posted by Picasa

My middle girls, their Aunt Franki and Fowler all cheesing it up! (Okay, so Fowler isn't really a master of the cheese, he's wondering when the photos will end!) Posted by Picasa

While we were in St. Louis with the Neeleys, we enjoyed many fun things. Maybe I'll post our Krispy Kreme photos later, but here's a picture from our night out at the arch. I love this picture because it's crazy. We were standing at the base of the arch as it was getting dark. I practically laid on the concrete to get the shot. Kezzi was asleep in the stroller, or she'd be in there, too.  Posted by Picasa

We visited Meramec Caverns on our way to visit the Neeleys and Grandmother and Pop. Tori took this picture of me, and since I rarely post photos of myself, I thought I'd use this one from the caverns. We enjoyed the caverns, and spent the night there, too. (In the very retro motel, not in the caves themselves!) Posted by Picasa

The next 5 pictures are at the RiverSide Reptile Ranch, just outside of Meramec Caverns. We weren't sure what we were getting into when we went, but it turned out to be a great place to visit! They had everything from lions and emus to tortoises and alligators. The guy that lead us around let the girls touch and hold some interesting stuff.

Here is Abbi holding one of the snakes they got to touch. It was especially cute when Abbi held the snakes, because she cradled them like a baby! Posted by Picasa

I was really impressed that Abbi (Tori and Emmi, too) actually held the alligator. The reptile ranch guy was standing just outside these pictures. He would count to three, jump out of the picture, and jump back in when I had snapped it. Posted by Picasa

Emmi cheesing it up with the alligator. Posted by Picasa