Thursday, November 30, 2006

I love Google!

I was posting Halloween pictures on here today (since tomorrow is December!) and discovered Picasa Web albums. Hopefully now you will all be able to see more of my photos. I will still post a select few photos with detailed captions here on this blog, just as often as I always do.... once every two months or so!

On my Picasa Web Albums, I will post unedited, mostly uncaptioned photos. Most of them will be my family, but there will probably be a lot of church/youth group photos there, too.

You can go there by clicking here

To make up for the extreme lack of photos lately, I've posted hundreds of pictures today from the last three months. I hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

Franki said...

I loved browsing through your PicasaWeb...pretty cool! You've got some crazy girls!! I love Emmi's halloween took me a while to figure it out!!! :) Ha Ha!