If you have no interest in reading the little birth story, my feelings won't be hurt, but please scroll down, because there are lots of pictures.

Right after he broke my water, I had trouble breathing. It felt like a giant man was sitting on my chest, and I couldn't get any air. They gave me an oxygen mask (which I then wore the rest of the afternoon, until she was born). During all of this, Evi's heart rate dropped. Way down. It was pretty scary. They had to put a monitor on her head to monitor her heart rate for the rest of labor. We could hear it beeping in the room, and every time I had a contraction, her heart rate would drop from the 150's to about the 50's. Josh was watching a movie on the TV, and paused it during almost every contraction, to make sure the rate bounced back up.
When it finally came time to push (about 3 hours after breaking the water), things again did not go as smoothly as my previous easy labors. I still only pushed about 3 times, but Evi had her head turned and tilted the wrong way. She ended up with a huge bump on her head for a little while because of it. Her umbilical cord was also wrapped around her neck and her ankle.
So... it was a labor and delivery with a little more story to it than the previous 4, but still, a fairly easy one (and pain-free... thank God for epidurals!), and of course a very happy ending.

Evi has been taking calls from well-wishers all week... She looks a little tired out. :)

For those of you wondering how big I finally ended up... Hard to see because of the blanket, but I think the term is gi-normous.

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